Wörishofener Myrrhentinktur
You have gum pain ? Pressure sores from dental prosthesis ?
WÖRISHOFENER MYRRHENTINKTUR is a traditional herbal medicinal product for the treatment of inflammations of the gingiva and the oral mucosa, obtained from the resin of myrrh (myrrha), licensed in Germany.
The tincture is directly dabbed on the affected areas or is diluted with water and then used as a mouthwash (rinse or gargle in mouth and throat).
Together with ARNIKA TINKTUR (arnica tincture) and BALDRIANTINKTUR (valerian tincture), DRONANIA Wörishofener MYRRH TINCTURE is an interesting medicinal product in terms of price and marketing, based upon European know-how of natural substances, under strict quality control.
Other Products:
Tincture from myrrh (ratio of herbal substance to extraction solvent 1:5), extraction solvent ethanol 90 % (V/V)
Traditional herbal medicinal product for treatment of minor ulcers and inflammation in the mouth.
6699.99.99 (Germany)
over-the-counter medicine